Software provision
Some software, such as MS Office, will be installed as standard on all virtual machines (VMs) inside your Virtual Research Environment (VRE). But most software will be made available via Software Center for you to install yourself. For details on how to install software via Software Center and how to request new software, see our Install Software page.
Software list
Here is a full list of software available for installation in LASER VREs. This list does not include additional software that may be provided via conda environments or package repositories.
List last updated: 2021-11-17
List of software available in LASER |
7-Zip |
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC |
Alteryx 2021 with R unlicenced |
Anaconda Distribution Individual Edition 2021.11 (includes Python 3.9, JupyterLab, Spyder, etc.) |
ArcGIS 10.6.0 |
Atom 1.56 |
Citrix Workspace App |
Dou Windows Logon Client |
EndNote X9 |
Git (plus Git Bash and Git GUI) |
Github Atom 1.56 |
Google Chrome |
HRG4+ 2021-22 Reference Costs Grouper |
IBM SPSS Statistics 27 |
Inkscape |
Intellij Idea |
Java 8 (jdk 1.8) |
Maple |
Mendeley Desktop |
Microsoft Access |
Microsoft Data Migration Assistant 5.5.3 |
Microsoft Edge |
Microsoft Excel |
Microsoft PowerBI Desktop |
Microsoft Powerpoint |
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 |
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2017 |
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributes (x64) |
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributes (x86) |
Microsoft Visual Studio Code |
Microsoft Word |
MiKTeX 4.2 x64 |
MobaXterm |
Mozilla Firefox |
Mplus 8.5 (X64) |
Netbeans 8.2 |
Netlogo 6.0.4 |
NIH ImageJ |
Notepad ++ |
Nvivo 12.6 |
Olympus DSS Player Lite |
Optimum ProCore 2.0 (x64) |
Postgresql 13.2.2 (x64) |
ProM 6.8 |
Prom Tools 6.10 |
PyCharm CE |
Python 3.9 (other versions via conda) |
R 4.0.2 (other versions via conda) |
Rstudio Desktop |
SPSS Statistics |
Splunk Universal Forwarder |
Stata 17 |
Tableau 22.1 |
Texmaker 5.1.2 |
Weka 3.9.3 |
Zotero |