VRE Patching Schedule

Security patches are released on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

VMs have two weeks to install the patches. Once installed a reboot is required.

If two weeks elapse before installation & reboot a forced install & reboot occurs. This will interrupt any ongoing processes.

Patch Release Deadline for install
12/01/2021 26/01/2021
09/02/2021 23/02/2021
09/03/2021 23/03/2021
13/04/2021 27/04/2021
11/05/2021 25/05/2021
08/06/2021 22/06/2021
13/07/2021 27/07/2021
10/08/2021 24/08/2021
14/09/2021 28/09/2021
12/10/2021 26/10/2021
09/11/2021 23/11/2021
14/12/2021 28/12/2021

Any VMs not turned on at the deadline will install any missing patches that have expired deadlines when turned on again and reboot quickly after install.

If security releases happen outside these dates, these will also have a 14 day deadline. We will notify all users via the LIDA Teams General channel.